“A Comprehensive Guide To All World Religions” by Kady DeYoung is your essential resource for exploring the beliefs, practices, and philosophies of major religions around the world. This concise and insightful book addresses ten fundamental questions that arise in any religious inquiry:

  1. Origin of the religion
  2. Deity or the concept of God
  3. Sacred texts or holy books
  4. Core beliefs
  5. Rewards or benefits of worship
  6. Beliefs about the afterlife
  7. Journey to the afterlife
  8. Ethical Teachings and Principles
  9. Size of the religious community
  10. Requirements for joining the religion

From the ancient traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism to the monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the unique paths of Sikhism, Jainism, and more, Kady DeYoung provides concise answers and valuable insights. This guide helps you navigate the complexities of faith, broaden your understanding of different worldviews, and find answers that resonate with your own spiritual journey. Whether you are a scholar, a spiritual seeker, or simply curious about the diversity of human belief systems, “A Comprehensive Guide To All World Religions” is an enlightening and thought-provoking read. Explore the origins, scriptures, rituals, ethics, and afterlife beliefs of various religions, and gain a deeper understanding of the religious landscape that shapes our world. Written by Kady DeYoung, this book offers a well-researched and accessible exploration of world religions, providing readers with a valuable resource for their religious inquiries.


This comprehensive volume dives deep into the growing influence of New Age philosophies within the confines of Christian theology, revealing potential misconceptions, dangers, and the profound consequences of blending these two worlds. From the onset, the book meticulously examines the concept of reincarnation, presenting an exhaustive critique rooted in scripture and theology.
Venturing further, it discusses the New Age emphasis on self-divinity and interconnectedness, contrasting these beliefs with the Bible’s teachings on the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and the nature of God.
Dive into intriguing topics such as:

  1. The dangers associated with regression therapy and the illusion of past-life memories.
  2. The New Age view on the divinity of individuals versus the Christian perspective on Christ’s unique divinity.
  3. The theological implications of an impersonal Creator and the relegation of God to mere energy.
  4. The seductive nature of spiritual bypassing and the ways it might hamper genuine spiritual growth.
  5. Detailed comparisons between New Age and Christian beliefs about sin, salvation, and the nature of God.

Finally, the book offers guidance for Christians on how to understand, respect, and engage in meaningful conversations with those who lean towards New Age philosophies. It emphasizes the significance of informed discourse, mutual respect, and the unyielding power of prayer.


In the ever-evolving landscape of spirituality, the New Age movement has surged into mainstream consciousness, intertwining its tenets and practices with established religious traditions. This book delves deep into the infiltration of New Age ideas into the Christian Church, critically examining the consequences and raising alarms about potential deviations from core Christian beliefs.

Uncover the conceptualization of the New Age Church and documented instances of its infiltration. Examine the rate of infiltration, and the extent of its influence, and evaluate whether these changes benefit or harm the Church.

“Revealing New Age Deception Within the Church: Signs of Infection” is a critical guide for those who wish to discern the line between genuine spiritual growth and deceptive practices that could divert the Church from its mission.